Confidential Confessions: Deai Eps 1 (2025)

1. Confidential Confessions: Deai, Volume 1 - Goodreads

  • The story follows young Rika, a Japanese school girl who has been having communication problems with her boyfriend--literally! After resolving to earn enough ...

  • Welcome to the seedy underbelly of the enormous deai-ke…

2. Confidential Confessions Deai Vol 1 GN - Midtown Comics

  • A continuation of the gripping and cutting-edge CONFIDENTIAL CONFESSIONS, this series deals exclusively with the seedy underbelly of the sex industry. Using ...

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3. Confidential Confessions: Deai Vol 1 - The Mage's Emporium

4. Confidential Confessions Manga Online Free - Manganelo

  • Confidential Confessions : From Tokyopop:Confidential Confessions is a shocking new manga series that deals with many of the hard-hitting issues that teens ...

  • Confidential Confessions : From Tokyopop:Confidential Confessions is a shocking new manga series that deals with many of the hard-hitting issues that teens face today. Using emotionally moving storylines and multi-dimensional characters, each groundbreaking volume tackles such to

5. Confidential Confessions | Manga Wiki - Fandom

  • There are a total of 6 volumes of the series. A sequel entitled Confidential Confessions: Deai (きずな Kizuna ?, lit. "Bond") was ...

  • Confidential Confessions (問題提起 作品集 Mondaiteiki Sakuhinshū?) is a manga by Reiko Momochi. The individual volumes of the series were originally published by Kodansha in Japan as Memai (Dizzy), Namida (Tears), and Tobira (The Door). The three were published in 2000, 2001, and 2002, respectively. The series was published in English under the title Confidential Confessions in North America by Tokyopop; the Tokyopop version of the manga is out of print as of August 31, 2009.[1] The series contains a c

6. All Book Series by Reiko Momochi - Goodreads

7. Confidential Confessions (manga) - Anime News Network

  • Confidential Confessions: Deai (manga) (sequel). Alternative title ... PreCure Max Heart Episodes 1-25 Anime Series Review. Nov 11, 12:00. 6 comments.

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8. Confidential Confessions | Official Tropes Wiki - Fandom

  • A sequel series, the two-volume Confidential Confessions: Deai was released May 2006, featuring protagonists who enter (and try to get out of) the deai-kei ...

  • A manga series by Reiko Momochi, each volume is either a stand-alone story itself, or contains several different stand-alone stories, each story focusing on a tough issue for the protagonist to either overcome... or succumb to. Said issues include but are not limited to abuse, prostitution, drugs, HIV and AIDS, bullying, and falling in love for the first time...with someone of the same gender. A sequel series, the two-volume Confidential Confessions: Deai was released May 2006, featuring protago

9. Mondaiteiki Sakuhinshu (Confidential Confessions) | Manga - MyAnimeList

  • Mondaiteiki Sakuhinshu was pubished in English as Confidential Confessions by Tokyopop from July 1, 2003 to February 8, 2005. Related Entries. Manga Deai.

  • Confidential Confessions is a shocking new manga series that deals with many of the hard-hitting issues that teens face today. Using emotionally moving story lines and multi-dimensional characters, each groundbreaking volume tackles such topics as teen prostitution, rape, HIV, stalkers, suicide, and sexual harassment. (Source: Tokyopop)

10. Confidential Confessions - The Incomplete Manga-Guide

  • Bislang 4 Bände auf Deutsch erschienen. Band 1: Band 1-2. Erschienen im Juni 2018 (Der Band ist erschienen) ISBN 978- ...

  • Der Manga

Confidential Confessions: Deai Eps 1 (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.