Helpers Needed At Once Bug Fables (2025)

1. Helpers Needed at Once! | Bug Fables Wiki - Fandom

  • Helpers Needed at Once! is a quest in Bug Fables. It can be accepted from a quest board after starting Chapter 5. The reward is the Power Exchange medal.

2. Mender - Bug Fables Wiki - Fandom

  • Menders are robots found in Honey Factory. The appear as NPCs. However, during the quest Helpers Needed at Once!, three broken menders can be fought.

  • Menders are robots found in Honey Factory. The appear as NPCs. However, during the quest Helpers Needed at Once!, three broken menders can be fought. All attacks towards them will deal damage divided by 10, rounded up, similar to Golden Seedling. They have no attacks. In the center of Honey Factory, near the leftmost geyser. The Honey Pump, on the other side of the factory tram. In the room with electrified panels and cranks. READING DATA: THREE BUGS, DETECTED AS VERY HOSTILE. ASKING FOR PITY...

3. Quests - Bug Fables Wiki - Miraheze

4. Theater Help Wanted! - Bug Fables Wiki - Miraheze

  • 2 jan 2023 · Theater Help Wanted! is a quest in Bug Fables. It can be accepted from a quest board after starting Chapter 3. The reward is 30 berries.

  • Theater Help Wanted! is a quest in Bug Fables. It can be accepted from a quest board after starting Chapter 3. The reward is 30 berries. The play can be repeated.

5. Bug Fables: 10 Optional Quests You Should Do Right Away - Game Rant

6. Bug Fables (Video Game) - TV Tropes

  • In the "Helpers Needed at Once!" sidequest, Malbee requests Team Snakemouth's help to deal with malfunctioning Menders, asking to reset their systems. As ...

  • Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling is a Role-Playing Game heavily inspired by the Paper Mario series, with similar battle mechanics and artstyle. It was developed by Panamanian studio Moonsprout Games, published by DANGEN Entertainment, released …

7. Bug Fables Trophy Guide •

  • 12 jun 2020 · Defense: ??? Honey Factory (only during "Helpers Needed At Once!" quest). 032, Abomihoney, HP: 10. Defense ...

  • Boosts enemy strength, but gain more XP and bonus rewards from bosses

8. Bug Fables: How To Get The Chomper Seed And Add Chompy ...

  • 17 jul 2021 · Once these requirements have been met, you will get a new optional helper named Chompy to assist your party in battle. Related: Funniest ...

  • Here's how to get Chompy as a companion in Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling, including where to find the Chomper Seed you need.

9. Medal Collector Trophy • Bug Fables •

  • 12 jun 2020 · Power Exchange, Equipped ally gains 1 attack, but -1 defense, "Helpers Needed At Once!" quest reward. Purchase from Shades (5 crystal berries).

  • Boosts enemy strength, but gain more XP and bonus rewards from bosses

10. Bug Fables: Complete Recipe Guide - TheGamer

  • 29 jul 2021 · Here's a complete guide to every recipe in Bug Fables and what you need to craft them.

  • Here's a complete guide to every recipe in Bug Fables and what you need to craft them.

Helpers Needed At Once Bug Fables (2025)


Is anything missable in Bug Fables? ›

Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling

This game has no missables. There is always a way to at least have seen an enemy and therefore spy it. But the easiest way is you talk to tattel in the underground bar which can sell you the spy data of enemies you've seen before.

How long does it take to 100% Bug Fables? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling is about 25½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 50½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the best stat to level up in Bug Fables? ›

Two of the best stats to level in Bug Fables are Medal Points (MP) and Tech Points (TP). MP determines how many medals can be equipped on a character, while TP determines the skills available to the team.

How many people worked on Bug Fables? ›

Bug Fables was developed by independent Panamanian developer Moonsprout Games, made up of Panamanian writer and programmer Jose Fernando Gracia and Brazilian programmer Marcio Cleiton Jr. The two had initially met on a Pokémon Nuzlocke forum.

Is Metal Island optional in Bug Fables? ›

Metal Island is an optional area in Bugaria. This area is accessible for 300 Berries at the start of the game from Bugaria Pier (after Chapter 1 to be exact, since Team Snakemouth cannot reach the pier at that point), but after they obtain the submarine in Termite Capitol they can sail to this place for free.

What gender is VI from Bug Fables? ›

Violet, better known by her alias Vi, is one of the main protagonists of the indie video game Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling. She is a young bee from the Bee Kingdom who left her home to become an explorer.

What is the max berries in Bug Fables? ›

The maximum amount of berries you can carry at a time is 999 berries, while you can store up to 10 000 berries at the Bank of Bugaria.

How old is vi from Bug Fables? ›

According to Mar, the programmer and animator for the game, Vi is around 16-17 years old.

What is the max rank in Bug Fables? ›

The maximum rank is 27 and you get an achievement for reaching it, along with some free stats.

What is the code 32 in Bug Fables? ›

H.B. tells Team Snakemouth that Code 32 means that the factory has been attacked by hostile forces, which is strange, because she didn't notice anyone else enter.

What does the luckier day do in Bug Fables? ›

Luckier Day is a Medal in Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling. It replaces all action command reactions with "UnBEElievable!", regardless of the actual result of the command.

Who is the main villain in Bug Fables? ›

Hoaxe, better known as the Wasp King and sometimes referred to as The Usurper is the Main Antagonist of Bug Fables and illegitimate ruler of the Wasp Kingdom. He usurped the Wasp Kingdom, plotting to steal The Everlasting Sapling and use its power to conquer all of Bugaria.

How long does it take to beat Bug Fables? ›

The estimated time to complete all 30 Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling achievements is 40-50 hours. This estimate is based on the modal completion time from 108 TrueAchievements members that have completed the game.

How old is Leif Bug Fables? ›

Mar, the programmer and animator for the game, has given conflicting statement's on Leif's age, stating that Leif is either almost 30 or over 30 years old.

Are there any missable trophies in Bugsnax? ›

You're likely to unlock a fair few of the Trophies towards the end of the game, as you slowly complete side quests, capture all the Bugsnax, and reach the finale of the story. The good news is that there are no missable Trophies, and you can get all of them in one playthrough.

Does Bug Fables have a post game? ›

Maki (Postgame) is the optional boss form of Maki in Bug Fables. He challenges Team Snakemouth to a sparring match alongside Kina and Yin, in front of Anthill Palace. The Queen's Blade, Maki, is both Elizant II's most trusted knight and the leader of the highest-ranked exploration team.

How do you Respawn enemies in Bug Fables? ›

Enemies are called regionals meaning they get reset only when you change the AREA you are in. For example, if you are in Golden Hills and you go to the south loading zone to Golden Settlements, the regionals will reset5 allowing the enemies to respawn.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.